55º Congresso Anual da SBFIS OnLine





Biologist and PhD. from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2005 she moved to Chile for her postdoc at the Pontificia Universidad Católica, where she started her independent research career in the area of nutrition, metabolism and reproductive biology. She was an Associate Professor at the School of Medicine, participating in research, undergraduate and postgraduate education and training in the lab, and different academic and institutional activities linked to the field of research. Since November 2019, she is an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine from Universidad de los Andes. She is the PI of the Laboratory of Nutrition, Metabolism and Reproduction. Her group conducts research on the physiological processes and pathophysiological mechanisms that explain the impact of nutritional and metabolism on female reproduction. Their main lines of research are focused on the consequences of maternal alterations in lipid and glucose metabolism, as well as subclinical deficiencies of some micronutrients, on different processes of female fertility and pregnancy. The impact of malnutrition by deficit or excess on offspring health is also a matter of interest in her lab.

ISI papers until 2020: 47

h index (Google Scholars): 23


