Nina Žigon (born Japundžić) M.D., Ph.D., is professor of basic and clinical pharmacology and toxicology at Medical Faculty University of Belgrade (Serbia, Europe). She started a research carrier in Laboratoires de Pharamcologie, Faculté de Médecine Necker, in Paris in France, where she pioneered a discovering of the physiological background of cardiovascular shor-term variability (PhD thesis). She also published a number of important scientific articles clarifying the roles of vasopressin and oxytocin in the regulation of cardiovascular variability. At present, she is studying neuroendocrine remodelling in hypertension and heart failure and mentoring 6 PhD student. Her research was/is funded by national (Ministry of Education, Science and Techological Development, Serbia) and international collaborative reserach grants; with professor David Murphy from Bristol University, UK (Welcome Trust, UK; Royal Society, UK) and with Dr Zoltan Giriz from Semmelweis University in Budapest (Hungary). In 2019 she was elected Bejamin Maker honorary visiting professor at Bristol University, UK. She is a member of a number of scientific societies and professional organizations (pharmacological society, medical chamber, Drug Agency expert, etc.).